
Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Congrats on the county job! You are now an official public servant and you can never be fired, outside of gross negligence, and from what I understand, you get a pretty good benny package! Sweet!

Since you are now one of the Action Team, AND one of the LAPD, we can confess all our crimes and since you are like a cop, and we are your teammates, we are also like cops, so we cannot be punished, right? Let's find out! Who's confessing their small indescressions from college first? Okay, I'll start: One time at SDSU I tried to put a roofie in a girls drink at some party, but then some dude drank it instead! I was so mad so I took the guy home with me anyway, then Enron had his way with him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, cause I'm no homo, then Enron felt so much guilt for going gay, we killed the poor guy, and stuffed him in the rafters of the house, hoping the rats that lived in our walls would eat him and his bones before anyone found out that Enron buggered him.

Whew! That is a load off. I feel much better knowing that I cannot be charged cause Rudy works in law enforcement! And I know Rudy!