
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I only blog every once in a while, but I am one hell of a voyeur!

Art: Hopefully all that shit works out for you and Michelle. I seriously don't know how she lives with that.

Under the heading of, whether you care or not:

I am making the jump from 8th grade English teacher to 9th and 10th grade English teacher this year. It was a difficult decision to make, but overall, it came down to, "What is going to make my life easier in the long run?" I really like coaching water polo once again. Torrance High offered me a schedule that consisted of 4 periods of English plus coaching instead of the 5 periods plus coaching that I was doing at the middle school. Despite the fact I really loved the middle school (no bullshit), if I wanted to keep coaching, I couldn't say no to the high school.

So I went to my classroom last week, and evidently the room formerly belonged to a French teacher because on the back wall was a big-ass mural of everything French! There was a woman dressed in obvious French attire walking a pink poodle, a friggin' huge Eifel (sp?) Tower, The Arch de Triumph, women doing the can-can, the Muolin (sp?) Rouge... you get the idea. And so since I teach nothing French, not an author... not anything, I spent this week painting. I still have another coat to go, but FUCK!

Another thing that I thought was going to be lame, but actually turned out to be cool, is that I have to re-read a lot of novels from high school. Granted, I may have skipped over a lot of them, but I have already re-read All Quiet on the Western Front (which I hated the first time I read it, but is SO GOOD, seriously read this if you have the time- one of the harshest antiwar novels ever), Lord of the Flies (another one that is really good), Animal Farm, and Fahrenheit 451. I am just starting 1984, and I am loving it!

Anyway, that it all for now. I'll update more later, I swear. I have to watch my new kitty chase her tail. Funny. Funnier. I like Aaron’s avitar... a lot.