
Tuesday, August 29, 2006


- So, I know it is some time away, but does anyone know their schedule and availibility?
Should I get the room? When will everyone be getting into town? Inquiring jerks want to know.

- I think I am getting tired of the old, and incidentally, young, pictures of us on the blog. I was thinking about either a) adding new, fresh pictures b) using pictures of different boobs I find on the internet, or c) using pieces or pictures from our favorite games to represent us.

Eric - A Blood Bowl ball or die.
Enron - A piece from either GOOTMU, or Giganten
Jon - Maybe something from Everway, Planescape, or Warmachine
Denis - Confrontation Bondage Nurse
Johnny - Something from Russian Campaign perhaps?
Ryan - He's a tough one. Maybe just a baseball.
Rudy - Something from Delta Green perhaps?
Art - Awful Green Thing, or some Robo Rally bullshit
Mike - Something from Tikal or LotR.

I don't know, sometimes I get wild hairs. I might happen.

- I am also studying to become a Real Estate Agent. NOT because I want to be an agent, but because I can save SO MUCH MONEY on future real estate transactions if I represent myself for at least one side of the deal! Also, it is the first step to becoming a broker. Then I can have a bunch of Agent Jerks working for me, and as long as I dot my I's and cross my legal T's, I get a piece of their commission for doing nothing! AND, they pay me monthly fees, to work for me! WTF!?!!?

Real estate is just so wrong. So wrong.

- Reading this weird book called Alhazred, which is sort of the autobiography, told in a Lovecraft story past tense format, of The Mad Arab who wrote the Necronomicon. Interesting premise, somewhat interesting writing style, weird story so far, and fairly brutal. Overly grim at times, but not so much it takes away from the story, it actually works to further the story. If I finish it, I'll tell you all about it.

- It took this long to find renters for the Tacoma house? Yikes! Samuel Jackson Beer. Classic. "How's it taste, motherfucker?!? Huh?"