
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Game Masters

It's never too late to develop your babies into game-prodigys!

By age 18, they'll be winning all the tournaments in Strategicon then regional tournaments in Kubla and finally the prize in Gencon! (something we all have failed miserably to do)

I would generally advise to stay away from D&D and others regimen which I attribute to atrophy of the caustic brain. From years of experience, we only

1) consumed obsene quantities of chips and coke - gaining precious pounds. Have to remain slim and fit to run around the dealer room and the game rooms
2) Mind waster - spending 3 months figuring out how to build my castle and equip my followers of my legendary 40th level paladin wasn't good.
3) make you do crazy shit - Like kill your friends, and slay innocents and kill 213214135 gagillion orcs and goblins.

So the following is my formulated regimen

5 - ROBORALLY - never too early to start em off with cards. Cards is key.
6 - Battlemasters - Not a great game, but lots of large miniatures to prevent ingestion. Easy to see the pieces and really get them into miniatures
7 - TIKAL, SETTLERS (european games in general) - Starting them in dice and counting is crucial at this age of development. Increases the capacity to strategize
8 - WWII stuff - This is when you start breaking them into hard core war games to develop their tendencies for that killer instinct, death, and mayhem without giving them nightmares
9 -

more to come.. I'm hungry.

EDIT\: RuDAY: I got bored and d/l'd eveonline. So far, the graphics are nice, but really it's a bunch of stars and a cool looking ship. What gets me though is it seems the game is a bigger grinder than WOW ever was? I'm mining 5000 isks worth of stuff and it takes 30 min to do it in my dinky ship. one courier mission gives me 30k. I'm thinking missions are much better. But then again if you have mining gear and a decked out ship i can see mining can be ultra profitable (assuming you have that huge ass cargo hold) IDK. it's kinda boring, like watching paint dry, mining that is.

anyhow, i'll dick around with it alittle more, but I don't see it yet.
