
Monday, August 07, 2006

Blood Bowel stikes again

ja -El: Dont piss around with dark blood coloration in your stool. Not a roulette game you want to play with.It could be something minor or easily fixed, or it could be something that if left to fester would be seriously bad news space cadet. On a side note: I agree with you on the Dog versus other animals thing. Dog, Cat, Cow, Pig, how do you differentiate what is acceptable and what is not? Intellegence? Surely not. Pigs are among the smartest animals. Certainly more so than dogs. However, I do disagree with their methods. Beating animals to death is a little harsh. Especially when they are someone elses animal.

O: Man kids are just mobile plague bearers. I figure anytime I am with in 5 feet of any little one my player rolls a D20 to save versus system shock. On a 3 or less, my immune system fails its test. Moral of the story, be like Mr. Hughes and build yourself a nice little sanctuary where you can pee in jars and save your toe nail clippings.
