
Friday, July 28, 2006

Vacation, over

Good times! Aeryk/Bryan thanks for the bodysurfing, it was awesome, Denis thanks for the beef hearts, Rudy thanks for going to Burbank (I kid, I kid :) ). It was a great vacation.

I'm back and I'm tired. I went out with my friend Scott last night in El Segundo. That place seems to be slowly changing to more of a Hermosa Beach vibe. It's still got a small feel, but there were definitely a lot of booby shirts at the bar we were at, and it seemed strange. We ended up closing the bar out and then playing Xbox at his place until 4:00 AM. Which brings me back to tired.

(Aeryk -- do you have the downloadable Xbox game Geometry Wars? If you don't get it, it is the shit. It's like this simple $5 game but it almost makes the 360 worth it... plus it is completely mesmerizing and your boy may even enjoy it!)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to busting out either Epic or Warmaster once in a while! So far what I am getting is that with Epic you have a crazier, more random game with buckets o' dice (the rulebook used that phrase too) and lots of variety. With Warmaster you get a more balanced system and lots of unpainted, hard to kill dwarves. An intriguing choice! Too bad I am seemingly incapable of getting through the Warmaster rules. I've crashed upon the rocky shore of that rulebook many times.