
Monday, July 24, 2006

This is teh coolest

IA! IA! Cthulhu phtagn!!!! Such a pisser it is an incentive for store owners to buy more Horror Clix, and can't be bought by the general gaming fanboys. Cause if you could, I would be all over it.

- And we should do a podcast. Seriously this time. Maybe Jon and I can do episode #0 while he is here?

- It is hot as a mother effer in my house. Not Las Vegas hot, but hot like in a house with no insulation, no central air, and no air movement because there is none outside cause it is too hot. Fans just sort of blow the hot air around. It is seriously like a sauna in my house at 10pm.

- Body surfing is the best.

- I miss D&D.

- I miss playing meaty games. Which is why if we did a podcast, at least I could TALK about some meaty games!

- Ryan and I are going to see Anthrax on the 6th of August. The cool thing about it is of course Joey Belladonna is back in the band singing, AND they are playing Among the Living from start to finish! So amped to go!

- Picked up a pair of the Descendents shoes at my FLVS (Friendly Local Vans Store). I like them!

- I guess it doesn't really matter now, but Third Planet is no longer pwned by Chris, he sold it to one of his underlings and plans on moving to Santa Barbara. I was in the running, rather I was in discussion with Chris for over a year about buying it, and then we sort of stopped talking for a while. More recently, he contacted me about selling it, and was about 66% LESS than what he was asking a year ago. When I went over the books, it just didn't look good. Not to say that it couldn't be turned around, but the existence of the FLGS's in Southern California is a precarious existence indeed. It's sad in a way, but now that Chris is gone, I really don't care if 3P goes under or not. It has been going downhill abit in more recent times, and seems like there needs to be dramatic changes to save it. Time will tell, in the meantime, I will be a part of the problem (in a way) and buy games online from retailers that not only offer a discout, but also have all the games, and more, that I could ever want. So sue me.