
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Nevar forget 8/11

Man, that guy was hilarious. Somtimes that website really made my day.

As far as my "celebration" of Independence Day goes, RDub, myself and two members of the Action Team Ladies Auxilary are going to BBQ something up and try to play some games, Wylie willing. Along with the standard Operation: Murder the World Burgers (cheeseburgers), we will probably make some Al-Qaida Burgers (Veggie burgers), some Freedom Fries, and maybe even some Freedom is Not Free Filets (fish) if Denis comes over. Maybe a delicious Anti-American Pro Faggot Marriage Salad would be a nice starter, and for desert, hopefully some delicious Condoleeza Rice Pudding.

To kick things off right, I'm going to ride my Bike of Anti-Terrorism down to the beach and go Patriot Surfing (body surfing)in about 20 minutes (with Joel! Did you know he has a 6 month old?), you know, just to get the red, white, and blue blood flowing.