
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Large scale wargg!

I'd have fun. I am sure you would too eLzaR. I always loved the look of the large sprawling maps with a zillion chits on them. I must confess I have an almost obsessive interest in maps and information flow, so this works for me. But besides that, I donno, those types of war sims have a calm practicality to simulating a large scale combat scenario with a reasonable amount of realism. eLzar, We will get to do that some day; hopefully, in the next year or so, depending of course on your relocation ventures. Not only will we be able to say that we did it, but that we enjoyed it.

I went and saw A Scanner Darkly tonight. I really like the rotoscoping visuals; a realistic more human animation, although maybe a bit plastic at times. Yet, the almost 'posterized' version of life, plays off really well against the drug theme central to the plot. Anyway, at times it seemed a bit irreverent and slow paced, yet entertaining and others quite humorous or serious minded. The great part is that the drug use is neither truly glorified nor are vilified. The movie sort of portrays both sides (drug use and enforcement) as malignant and self destructive in their own ways. Add to this that the story is twisted in that 'Philip K Dick kind of way' and it makes for a very interesting voyage. From what I understand, the script very closely follows the book. Anyway, I enjoyed it, but I could see some people not digging it. Check it out at your own risk.
