
Saturday, July 08, 2006

"But again not a date movie, it wouldn't really be comfortable watching porn with your sister or cousin for example!"

I think if you're the kind of guy with the balls to ask your sister or cousin on a date, a little gore and softcore isn't gonna bother ya. :) (That sentence made me crack up.)

I am sorta interested in that movie. Unfortunately, the ladyfriend REALLY doesn't like scary/gory movies. So it'll be hard to fit into the schedule.

At $47 million Hostel wasn't actually a flop though. From the studio's point of view, it was probably pretty successful; the budget is listed as only 4.5 million, so the movie made 10x its money back. Small-budget movies that reliably make their money back are the backbone of a lotta studios.

Also it wasn't directed by Quentin Tarantino. He has this annoying habit of putting his name over movies he likes in the form of

Quentin Tarantino Presents! ...
My Balls Are On Fire!!!!

Then in tiny print

directed by Jim Nobody

It's bullshit actually.


Are there ANY of the Call of Cthulhu adventures that you don't know backwards and forwards? How familiar are you with Masks of Nyarlathotep f'rexample?