
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ahhh Epic

Okay, the other day I was showing my special lady friend my minis and I busted out Epic and Warmaster. Damn. Epic scale is so cool. I dont know why. Maybe it is because it is just so much grander in scale.

You know Epic 40K had some serious flaws that were quite exploitable, especially if your last name ends in -unro. That fugger. But I would imagine they ironed out a lot of the issues since. The game was just so cool. Very fast and loose. Especially as da orks. Someday I would like to bust ‘em out again. I wonder if I can use my old minis. That was the first completely painted army I ever had. Not my finest painting, but who cares on epic. This is the part where Dennis cries at the horror of it all. I guess it could be worse, I could have garishly massacred the Eldar, aka cool ass elves in Sppppaaccceeeee
