
Monday, July 03, 2006

30ish... Fuckers

Yup fun stuff. My 30th was bit of a let down. Didnt really have a 30th party. I was sick. I was working a bum temp job on the night shift getting paid like Burmese dirt licker. I was only a few months in working after 8 months of unemployment. I knew I was going to be unemployed in a month. Career was non existent. Boo-urns! Yet I still seemed to take it in stride okay. Being 30 is wierd though.

I turn 32 in a few years. I do not like to compare my self to my parents in that respect, cause it is depressing. By that time they had a 12 year old, a 4 year old and an infant. They had a house. They had careers. D'oh. I can not imagine having a 12 year old at this point in my life. Shit that is scary. At my age I still feel like a kid all too often.

Elzar: You know the funny thing is, that I had the same reaction to hockey game commentaries. How old is that guy. Ah man he is my age. Oh wait. Ummm my age is the gritty guys that can hack it after 30. All the players that I used to root for in HS are either retired or gritty old cronies now.

jr0n: if you bust out Memoir 44 at work with your supervisor, jeezuz you are the man. You would totally have to post that on the game log.

rUd3: I am sorry to hear that things are unpleasent for you right now. Ive been there and its not a fun place. It'll turn around. No need for the dirt nap just yet.
