
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Steve (I'msteve): Yeah, I do QC, although it must be said that today I wasn't doing it very well. I was out and out surly today.

I'm generally pretty mellow and tolerant of bullshit. The flipside of this is that I'm mellow, patient and tolerant right up until the point at which the straw hits the camel's back. Then I become more or less permanently pissed. So it's kind of like instead of having a gradation of "good mood" to "bad mood" I'm more or less always in a good mood until something causes me to hit asshole status, where I more or less stay. That is the stage I hit as of yesterday. Going forward, I predict a lot of dickhead maneuvers. I'll let you guys know about any good ones.

This is an interesting contrast with my girlfriend, who dishes out stinkeye on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure that she takes the emotionally healthier route. I suppose I subscribe to the saying "Never date anyone crazier than you are."

Oh well. I'm fucking wiped out.

PS Special Action Team points to Ja-el! He knows why.