
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Car 1: "I got Bad Gas!"
Car 2: "You gotta get some of that good gas!"

If I were to spring for a hybrid, I think it would be the Civic hybrid. Which gets just shy of the Prius's mileage (within one or two mpg in both real driving conditions and sticker numbers), but it does not have the "junk in da trunk" look. Although, it does not have all the same cool gadgetry the Prius has.

Yes, certainly the mileage is quite a huge perk. Especially considering the cost of gas in both ecological and political terms. However, I do not buy any of the financial savings people believe they are getting. The cost of purchasing a hybrid instead of a comparable non-hybrid is about $5000 to $7000 dollars more. Typical savings on these cars can be expected to be around $500 per year as compared to a fuel efficient comparable car. That would mean it could take 10-14 years to recoup the extra cost of the vehicle. Even someone who drives a monstrous 25K miles a year would still only save $1000/yr. Then one begs the question of why they have not changed their driving habits instead. This is of course excluding the increased hybrid maintenance charges. As Art said batteries are spensive.

I have been torn on the hybrid issue for a while. It is one of several reasons why I have not purchased a replacement car yet. I hate the oil dependence and I hate what it makes our fine country do over seas. Boo... Why couldn't all the oil have been in Canada? On the other hand I am poor. Boo. And I drive so few miles now, savings would be nil. Even before my car died, I was driving less than 6K miles a year. I have even mulled over the idea of doing City Car Share up here for any local driving I need to do and forgoing owning a car completely. I donno. Often times I just wish I had my Accord again so that I don’t have to think so hard or feel guilty about buying anything that eats gas. Stupid conscience.

Speaking of eating gas, Tahoe was lots o fun. Tid bit of information though: Gas + Boat is expensive. Gassing up the boat after 3 hours of cruising, $96.00. Uggg. Good thing gas at the pump in the marina is a cheap $4.64 a gallon.

Ja -El: we are back. Aimey is doing her B-Day thing on Saturday. I will let you know once she gets a time slot.

A sign that you are lossing your hair: Sunburned scalp. Boo. Even with 3" long hair. I guess I have to put lotion in my hair now when I go out in the sun for extended periods. Boo to aging.
