
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Yeah Jael, I agree with the statement that it's near impossible to find that "perfect" mature crowd you're looking for. In WoW, you have to get real lucky and find an awesome guild. I did it once for sure, and another time sorta. No matter what game you play, there are going to be jarks all around you. The worst I ever found though were in online FPSs. WAY worse than WoW in my opinion. The whole Shooter world is so weird with their clan servers and super elitist crap. It's fine, learn2play. I'm still playing Eve when I get little bits of free time. Again, I'm in a good "corp" and overall it's one of the more mature games I've played online, but it's also chock full of min/maxers and smack-talkers. I've dealt with very little smack, but if you check the forums regarding corporation politics, people get sad everyday. I thnk it's very entertaining though. So much drama, it's pretty rockin. But like I said, since there's lots of "computation" and number-crunchage involved, even a lot of the nice people are min/maxxers which irritates me a whole lot. (Added: Here's a map of the political landscape atm, I'm in a corp that's part of "The Big Blue" alliance. You can see out chunk of space. And it's little wrong, since we're not currently at war, but there's the idea: Look for BIG BLUE

yeah, my problems at home are of the "family-nature" so no detail needs to be given. basically, I moved back home into a pretty fucked situation, and after september staying here is no longer an option. SO, I get to figure out where to go next. Yeah, and since i have extra-bad credit, renting out here again looks bad, SF even more bad, so options are slim. I'll figure it out.

Shun the handshake boys, shun it all to hell.