
Friday, May 12, 2006

Wow, is Sony in a bad place.

Sorny's president Ken Kutaragi defended the PlayStation 3's high price tag once again, declaring that not only will consumers be prepared to pay the cost but that the console is 'probably too cheap.'

This man is a genius! I've got to get me a piece of this...

I hereby announce that: not only are the rest of you Actionteam members fully prepared to Paypal me ten bucks every time you get to read one of my fabulous posts, but I'm letting you all off easy by not demanding twenty.

Fav quote: "On Slashdot, digg, and other gaming sites I've been looking at, the Sony fanboy has overnight become an endangered species. That is what is really telling me Sony has a problem. If even the Retardusfuckwitis Internetus, a species Sony nearly owned last week, is defecting, you're gonna die."
