
Thursday, May 18, 2006

I enjoyed the book, but more for the premise and intellectual excercise than for the plot itself (which I thought was weak and served only as a flimsy delivery vehicle for the premise). Therefore, I belive the movie is going to suck, as most book-to-movie screenplay conversions are based on plot.. and.. well.. the plot sucked. Now, Demons and Angels was a much better PLOT.. but I didn't like the premise quite as much, even if it was a much better crafted story. The other thing that becomes readily apparent about The Code is that it uses the exact same template of characters (and very similar plot elements as well) as the first book Brown wrote.. which makes it a bit stale as well from a plot/craft angle. I strongly recommend both books (sans Digital Fortress). They are very, very good.


Elrock, just as a point of order.. "Allah" is one and the same God as the Christian "Jehovah", which is about as far away from "Satan" as it gets. Islam is an offshoot of Christianity and holds true the Old and New Testaments. Think of Islam as an expansion pack for Christianity. Kind of like Mormonism. Muslims got Mohammed and Mormons got Joseph Smith as their latest and greatest prophets of God. The book of Mormon is an add-on to the original Bible. That being so.. they are still all based on a foundation made up of the same half-truths, purposeful exclusions and man-made mythos from the first unified church and Council of Nicea (held about 400 years after the whole "Christ" thing).

If you're looking for some words of wisdom and Truth, may I suggest reading the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, and the Gospel of Judas which were all discovered in the last few decades unaltered through the millenia.. and all banned from accepted Catholic cannon for the last 2000 years.. mostly because they say (in order), that you don't need a house of rock and stone (church) to be spiritual and connected to God/Yahweh/the-creator/nature/the-universe (or whatever designation / vision one might have of the circle of life), women aren't actually demons and Mary (Miriam, really) was more likely the highest ranking apostle than reformed whore as the Church likes to paint her, and finally, Judas was sacrificing his reputation and life so that Yahushua (his name wasn't Jesus) could shed his mortal shell and complete the whole prophecy thing.

I'm not even 100% sure where I stand on life, the universe, and everything, but I am pretty well sure that neither the Catholic church nor any of her harlots (Revelations 17) have it right. Also, Matthew, chapter 7 lays things out fairly clearly I believe. It's a short read, I whole heartedly recommend it even if for nothing more than intellectual/philisophical exercise. I happen to believe it a warning against Catholocism and her many offshoots who have clearly not born good fruit throught the millenia, nor have they stopped judging or done onto others.. so on and so forth. Now, it bears discussion on whether or not the Bible is really the direct word of God, or more of an anthology a la the "New Yorker" for the first few centuries.. a political/social commentary and collection of oral traditions, rites and rituals.

But, enough with the religious postulation. On to something more fun and light:


YAY FOR ME. Spring Semester is officially ovar as of yesterday.. my last final. Now I get three weeks off before I hit the books again for three classes over Summer term. The great news is that I just got my final financial aid award information back and it looks like I'll have enough grants and scholarships to pay entirely for school without a dime out of my pocket. On top of that, I'm thinking seriously about accepting the student loans (both subsidized and not) because the interest rate is substantially lower than either my credit card or equity line of credit. Might as well replace higher interest debt with zero percent loans (or measely 3% student loans).


Big Daddy O