
Friday, May 19, 2006

Gonzo Bankzor

Man, IMHO banks generally suck. Bunch of bureaucratic bastards. Oh wait... I think I work for one today, then again maybe I work for no one today... Long boring story. Banks are the best. Ja -El that money is not yours. You own the little print up that says $xxxxx.xx, but the money is all ours. MuwwHUHUHU! Seriously, I will be working for a company privately held by a bank. Booo.. Already the IT bureaucracy is killing me. The computers are going to be so nailed down I am going to pee myself with anger when I run into the first problem and their wonderful IT department. Especially when it will take more than a day to get it solved! Oh wait. That was yesterday, and it’s still not solved. a$$holes! WTF kinda company removes the ability to release and renew your IP when they have DHCP. Dicks! Gotta restart every time.

Rude: Yeah what’s the dealio. Inquiring actionteam minds wanna know.

Elzar, yeah Berkely is bank AND full of bums. Boooo... Nice place otherwise, if a bit to uber-nazi-liberal political for me. I can not say I have been to Sebastopol or Botany Bay. But I have been to Santa Rosa. They have a good pizza place and a lame strip mall that I went to. But that was all the time I had in Santa Rosa. Just passing through.

fArt: 10-15 dollars. Man that is one 'superb' order or two 'good' orders of sweet sweet Toro. Cant pass that up. Besides they smoke your Toro downstairs. How can I pass that up?
