
Saturday, May 20, 2006

can't play wow

my computer is elstinko. laptops are the worst, since they have only a bare 3-d graphics chip (no on board memory) and everytime i go into IF, it's reliving a framed bitrate nightmare. sniff...

For the guy talking about his wow characters at the convention: I wonder if there's a game out there that caters to adults-minded audience, not as in porno, but a mature crowd. What I like about in wow, is equally cancelled by the childish immature 12-18 year old punks that thinks they know everything and that the way they do it is the only "right" way. It's one thing to blabber it on the forums, it's another when you have to deal with it in the game.
Although i like to see a game where it bans anyone under 18 from playing (or anyone that doesn't have a fully developed frontal lobe and emotional control), that would eliminate a great 80% of your dedicated paying audience.

Just thinking out loud. I promise to write about more interesting things in the future.
