
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ah, I see. I guess I spend too much time elsewhere on Al Gore's Interwebnet these days. But.. no. Jebus and Allah aren't the same. Allah = Jehova = God. Unless you're into the whole trinity concept anyway (but then, who was Jebus praying to in the Garden then, himself? LOL) ... The big J is of equivalent standing to Mohhammed in the Islamic world as a prophet of God/Allah.. but not God/Allah himself. The big stink between the major religions of the world doesn't have much of anything else to do with except for disagreeing on the deity-status of the J-man, and how we aught to pay tribute to the Holies on the whole.

Even "Christianity" had to hold a vote at a council meeting nearly 400 years after he was on this planet (Council of Nicea) to formally vote on the establishment of the nature of, or level of, divinity of the Big J. If that doesn't spell out the relative uncertainty of things before the compilation and editing job (for uniformity of belief) of the anthology of scriptures (Bible).. I don't know what else can or would.

As for "most" Christians not understanding that.. that isn't really all that suprising, is it? Most folks can't point to Iraq on a map, or our nation's CAPITAL for that matter. Hell, nearly 50% of this country believes in the young-earth theory of fundamentalist Christian creationism (but don't ask them where God came from). Seriously now, I'm not making that up. Now, if a monumental tidal wave of ignorance isn't enough to scare the hell out of you, I don't know what is.

Most people in this world are complacent and pacified. They are content to believe, think and love/hate what they are told to by their "leaders".. never questioning the indoctrination and group-think. It's easier to go to work, come home, plop down in front of the TV with a beer and not actively use one's brain than to take an active role in exploration, thinking and to critically examine the world in which we live.

BTW.. got a huge "WTF" belly laugh out of Bush's speech the other night, calling for people to stop using hate and fear mongering to further their agenda one way or the other when it comes to immigration. I think Jon Stewart had the best retort, "Yeah, we need to save that for the Homos and Terrorists!"

Funny, but sad that most folks won't connect the dots of hypocricy.