
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Rudaay: Hey man! sry I haven't joined the game yet last weekend.

EDIT Art: Hey thanks for the information on your Uncles company. My company is based in the Philippines, and I don't plan on distributing the products in the US against the multinats, so it's not in the immediate objectives to hire some big guns to do promoing in the US. (plus it's probably out of my budget =/ compared to value of money in the Philippines with local alternatives) But I appreciate the notion and I'll keep it on the radar!

As for photoshop theme, I am offering 3 products, Multivitamin Original, Multivitamin Silver and Multivitamin 4 Kids CHEWIES. You can probably get some inspiration at your local walgreens and other/ micronutrient manufacturers and look at their packaging. But CENTRUM is very serious medical kind of name, versus Kirkland, or Naturemade, which is aiming for a more congenial name but has less unique brand value but the centrum packaging theme is very bright and well recognized with their SPECTRUM bar.

=) Photoshoperrific eh?
