
Thursday, April 13, 2006

oo, you guys gotta check out the fat wreck chords podcast. It's really good! Fat mike and a dude named Floyd just play punk records and talk about em. Pretty good and interesting stuff.
ADDED: Watched the BAD RELIGION dvd Live at the Palladium. Fuckin awesome. Damn, I remember when they just did these shows, like 5 nights, and me and a co-worked almost went. Well, fuck, gotta give it up for BR - still so good.

Saturday I'm officially back at home! OH NOES! Been a long and drawn out "move" but it's finally over! YAY for cable tv! BOO for my folks yellin at me " CLEAN YA ROOM!"

LAST EDIT b4 the comp is unplugged for a few days - NEW NOFX OUT *torrent cough*