
Monday, April 24, 2006

I wanna sleep

I think someone on TheActionTeam yelled, "Fuckin' rockstars" at NoFX one too many times, and they decided they would have us all by not singing such a delicious song. Maybe not.

Based on e|Z4r and 0 Rugs comments, I have decided children are not in my future. I am too selfish to have a child I think. That and I am lazy. Kids give you no choice in the lazy department. Either you clean their crap, or it will end up somewhere unwanted. Booo... Besides I would make a lame Dad. My answer to evrything will be needless untrue, albiet funny to me, or "Because". That is the worst thing to say, but I would still say it.

I have to say it took me a while to really master the Farm thing. I still suck at Carcassone, but I am less so than before.

Snake bitey defected!

You know j0rn, the Golden rod thing I was refering to was a true transposition misprint. That one you posted, I call bullshit on that. One too many kids with Photoshop. The original published "Goldenrod" mistake was a transposition of card titles. It occured on a card in which R2D2 had his 'hip' phallic computer interface device extended. The C3PO title from another card, AKA goldenrod, was swapped with the R2D2 title. Only a few of these were printed before they caught the mistake. It was a little more subtle than the oops it fell at the percise moment to look like a big golden penis.

j0rn, I think you didnt get into PBI because it was WWII. I had always though you would dig PBI in the old days since it was more or less a board game represented by minis. In other words PBI did not have the fuzziness of miniture games (i.e. line of sight and tape measuring) that you used to dislike so much back then.

Gas = teh suX0r. Good thing I dont have wheels. Check this gas price map out. $3.13/Gal in my zip code. Ass!

3|Z4r : How is the BR heavy rotation plan going?
