
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I agree with jr0n.

Plus you can go out for two weekends in a row looking at a hand full of places and they all suck. Then two weeks later all kinds of selection. Roommates are really the way to go if you dont want to hemmorage money like mad. Good two bedroom places go for around 1400-1700, which is about 700-850 when sharing. On the otherhand with random roommates you run the risk of the roll a 'One' phase. Either way I agree Craigslist can be a good resource. I have found the last two out of Craigslist. There are other resources such as rental agencies, but I have never tried any up here.

Getting a sub-let or temp place for a month or two can be a good deal. That way you can get yourself set up and learn what locations you like in the city before you have to commit to a long term lease.

Make sure you keep parking in mind. If you are bringing your wheels up, make sure you scope out the parking situation before you commit anywhere. Garage rentals can be pricey, usually a 100-200 premium. Street parking can really put a serious damper on your party in some areas.


EDIT: If you have any questions about a location or listing you can run it by either of us for a quick opinion.