
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hey Rude, what's the story with your move back home? Just trying to regroup financially a bit? I must say that after racking up costs of living for being unemployed I often wish I could stop paying rent for a while. I guess I could move in with Enron for a while. Say hello to your new roommate Enron. I'll just build a loft above your bed -- you'll hardly notice I'm there. Note: when I watch porn I turn the volume up VERY loud. Try to ignore the bleating.

Anyway good luck -- and yeah try to get some gaming and companionship so you don't go crazy. Which brings me at last to my point. Can the Holophrastics start practicing there again?

I was thinking about that band the other day and cracking up. What a fiasco. Basically JP would not be able to get a single chord correct, Myke Rudy and I would start on some semblance of the same page but after a few minutes veer off onto our own sucky paths, Mike and I anyway, and Eric would totally rule over everybody but had the huge Achilles heel that he wanted to put a Ska part into every song. In fact I think sometimes he wanted to put Ska parts into other Ska parts, or maybe I'm misremembering.

Good luck with the kid Aeryk. Say hello to W.J.P. Hessel for me!