
Monday, April 24, 2006


I donno. That photo just seems so ludicrious. I mean how did they ever pass muster? Was it a bunch of blind nuns that did the production run? Jeebuz. Someone pulled the wool over the eyes of the Topps editors. Crazy nuts.

I just got back from watching the Mets get their asses handed to them by the Giants. Really good seats. Yaaa for Graft and Corruption. Although, I think when the new company buy us, that gravy train will be over. Booo to strict banker's ethics. Sorry Ry, I still like Hockey much more in the flesh than any other sport, including blurnsball.

ElZar. Honestly I am too impatient with the lit'le ones. I have always been that way with kids. I am enterained for about 2 minutes and then uggg. Hence the reason I was such a Jack ass to my brother and sister sometimes.

In other slightly related notes: Elrock... Peter Ennis. Just ludichrist. Come on, that is a sick joke, his parents HAD to know. Either that or his parents were from a hole in the ground.
