
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Yes in fact...

jr0n and I have started the Whitey Snake bitey cup. The commander who wins the most recent game gets to keep whitey snake bitey for the week or two until we meet again on the battle field. Pretty cool.

jr0n: Is the new book going to just be a compilation of no quarter releases or is it going to contain new models/units?

I actually played Settlers two nights ago and had a very good time. It is a very easy game to learn, very intuitive and seems to really be popular with non-gamer types. I agree with Jon's assessment. The game just got killed in the end with too many games in a row and a few really bad expierences. For example "Go Paul" and JP's, "lets get drunk" and of course the 6 person idiotic games. I know some non-game types that will bust out that game every weekend but will not play more complicated games.
