
Sunday, March 05, 2006


- Kublacon, I am out like trout. As much as I would like to be there at the best convention in the world, with the best room in the world, I need to be with the best little man in the world.

- Leslie is bursting at the seams right now! I think Wylie will be fully cooked here in the next 2 weeks, so any time after that, he very well may make his presence known. Our due date is April 8th, but 3 weeks early has been known to happen on a regular basis, so holy crap(!), I may be a dad in the next 2 - 3 weeks!

- Played some ASL with Mike, and henceforth, if any representation of a unit, or squad, or even a single person, warjack, etc. ever goes ballistic, and defies all odds, and continues surviving unending onslaughts of fire, waves of enemy rushing past them, and does so with aplomb and professionalism, despite overwhealming odds, and facing certain death, they shall be known as "The J Squad".

J Squad, an elite german unit, took beating after beating, the loss of their leader (who was also the best leader on in the game), broke several times, and still recoved in multiple timely manners, so as to repel my American forces as they attempted to storm their position and flood past to the sweet, sweet victory conditions beyond. In the end I was 2 VP's (of 15) from winning, and I attribute the loss the J Squad!

- Played some ASL with Peter the Blackheart this past weekend too. Good times for me.

- Have not heard from Denis in some time. WTF? He bailed on attending the con with me, and has not returned my calls since. Ohshitnowhesmad!!!

- Been listening to "The Dice Tower" podcast recently. It passes the time nicely as Leslie and I drive to Cedars-Sinai, 3 - 5 times a week for classes and doctors appointments. The hosts are Joe Steadman and Tom Vasel. Jon may recognize Tom as a rather prolific game reviewer, and is an avid Eurogamer. He, more or less, hates all wargames. Tom on the otherhand, loves wargames and, for the most part, despises Eurogames. So there are nice divergent top ten lists from both of them, as well as reviews of games and commentary. I enjoy it fairly well! Leslie is also liking the show, and has infact begun to adopt some gaming terms into her vernacular! Out of the blue she told me to "check boardgamegeek.com to see if the decks in Scarab Lords are infact unbalanced"!!!!!