
Saturday, March 25, 2006

I love how ryan is the "tail gunner". Hmm, how appropriate.

Thanks for the tips Johnny. Yeah, this inquiry of mine was mostly BS (how many people are going to apply to be WoW GMs (million?) and then, thinking about it, how shitty is that job. Sit there and respond to people's tickets for 40 hours a week? Ugh. BUT, still gonna send an app in anyways! ;)
I agree with your PVP assessment. I had a 60 hunter on a pvp at the end, and they were a friggin' blast to play. I also had a few pvp mages, they rocked, and I felt how painful warlocks at high-end pvp got! Nuts! Only classes never played past lvl 10: 'lock, pally, and shaman. I'm gonna wait for the expansion before I start up wow again.

For all the crap people talk about the WoW community, I've always found some interesting people ingame to chat with. Plus, being the BIGGEST mmo out there right now (maybe minus the Lineage games, but ugh, no thanks!) no matter how many times I've run the game, most of the fun is with interacting with people.

WARNING: Long boring rant about Eve-Online. I'm worst writer ever.

Which is/was my concern with Eve-Online. Everything I read says: Join a good Corp("guild".) But, how do you find a good one, etc etc etc. It's such a weird game. SUCH A GOOD GAME THOUGH TOO! Ugh. Pvp/Combat et all, it's about system management. Super tactical. You have to keep in mind range, various electronic warfare ("webbers" which stop a ship that's moving, "warp scramblers" which kills warp engines so peeps can't jump out, etc), you have to watch your powergrid (pretty much your lifeblood - out of power, you aint shootin shit or running), friggin gotta watch your shields, armor. SO MUCH SHIT! I love it.
There's the whole mining aspect. I tried it for a minute, but it's pretty boring. Shoot mining laser at asteroid, fill cargo hold, take cargo to refine, sell your crap, repeat. Of course, there's drones that can help, mining ships, haulers to haul your loot back to a base so u can keep mining (u need a friend for that), player pirates who will come by and scoop up your shit (sounds funny to me), players who will just try to kill you (if your in a unsecured space, where all the good minerals are anyways) etc etc.
Trade game: There's research, playing the market, building shit to sell (market is 99 % player driven, ie everything is made by players with a few exceptions), courier missions that players put up (sometimes scams, ie they'll be waiting somewhere on the route to gank you, although maybe not so often/easily avoidable) etc etc. I've spent hours just staring at market details comparing prices, looking at price history, ugh - so fuckin' bizarre that it sorta interests me.
And a shit load of other things. But what's hard to get into is the fact that the game is completely wide-open. There's really no set path. After that long and boring tutorial (which is essential to even get a basic grasp on how to play)you're kinda thrust into space with a "WTF do i do now" feeling!

LONG STORY SHORT: There's not a whole lot of "chatting" going on as a solo-player in the game. You've gotta join a Corp I guess, but I'd have to play for awhiles anyways to get a feel for the different people/places/things in the game etc.

whatever. that's the longest most useless post ever. sorry!
(didn't signup for either game, too tired. Killed time doin some Advanced Wars, heh.)