
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy BDay ORugs!!!!

- I need everyone elses BDays so I can officially become more of an adult and put them in my "date book". Don't you all wany BDay greetings from the blog? Do it!

- BSG is the best show on TV, bar none. It is the best show since Firefly and Arrested Development. Funny how Fox can take great shows and drive em into the ground, and Sci-Fi of all channels, can maintain a breakout hit and support it, and even have a marketing campaign to generate interest in making a 3rd season (filming in April!!!). Ah, Fox. Were it not for my addiction to the Simpsons, you would be dead to me.

- It is official, the baby can be born any day now. < TMI> As soon as Leslie hits 2cm dialation, we can induce whenever she is ready. She is already 30% effaced, which is weird.< /TMI>

- I have this solo wargame, Ambush!, that I am going to start playing in the back room, which in honor of Peter, Mike, and Dr. Garbanzo has been cleaned up again. In Ambush!, you control 8 fighting men of the US army in France 1944, and it has a very heavy roleplay aspect to it. Each mission, you enter the map from one area, and then must slowly scout the rest of the map to find your mission objectives. All sorts of crazy shit can happen in the meantime, which you look up in an event book. Kinda like a chitbased, wargame themed, Heroquest. So, the Action Team is going to suit up and take on the Normandy campaign as soon as I get around to it. God save Pvt's Walsh, Anderson, Petersen, Mangual, Nikisch, and Killen. And since this is an alternative universe, Lee and Takara will join the ranks without being sent to internment camps instead! I'll keep you posted as to your various fates.

- Later, B-17: Queen of the Skies will be coming from eBay. Then The Action Team can take on the duties for flying a B-17 though our 25 missions before we are either killed, or sent home in victory!

- Dungeon Twister is a good game. Though one that can generate many "Go Paul" moments. Speaking of Paul, his dad is the landlord of our neighbor two doors down. Apparently he is a bit of a Slum Lord.

- Hey Enron and jr0n, are there still "nice" parts of SF and the surrounding areas that one could purchase a home for a reasonable price? Reasonable being being somewhere between 400 and 700k?