
Friday, March 03, 2006

Glad to hear it dude! Many congratulations! That's great that you can stay in sunny California. They also make a pretty good slice of pizza on campus! And trust me, this move will be very good for your gaming life. Enron and I can be VERY persuasive. < cracks knuckles >

So when does the position start, and when will you be heading up here? My advice is to move up here after it starts hailing, but before your first day on the job.

You will need the following things to live in San Francisco:

An enjoyment of rain and gloom
A good coat
A couple of bitchin' friends.

Fortunately, I think you're covered on all counts!


Just wanted to throw this out there: KublaCon. It's coming, and it's fabulous. Who's in? I've had a great time every year and I'd love to go again. I'm willing to arrange the room and everything if we can get at least four people in on this. Enron has already said he's up for it, so.... Myke? Denis? Rudy?

Don't worry Aeryk, you'll be there in spirit, begging us to play Blood Bowl in astral form!