
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Get Carcassonne

I know, I know. I am the big traitor/fence sitter/waffle king/sell out. But it is a great game for non-gamers, and there is enough fun for gamers. I just played a really fun game with Heather that included the *blush* expansions "King and Scout" as well as "Inns and Cathedrals" and it went down to the wire, with victory being claimed by a mear FOUR POINTS! It's a great game with a lot of laughing, blocking, building, etc. It's a very accessible game, IMHO, and the starting set is $20 I think.

Do it!

Dread Pirate

"Dread Pirate, Or Just Plain Dreadful!!!" - BGG
"Dread pirate: keep the money in your wallet!" -BGG

Man, it LOOKS awesome! But with review headlines like that, I might be tempted to spen my money elsewhere. It also resides on a Geeklist for Most Overproduced Games Ever. Take whatever anyone says on BGG with a grain of salt until you find someone that you can identify with, and then follow their reviews. Check the rules here!

Elder Scrolls

Oblivion should be finished in about 2 hours, let's see if it is a) a working copy, and b) not a virus... more later... in the meantime, let's cut out some ASL chits and play some more Might and Magic II!!!