
Friday, March 24, 2006

Awesome eric, thanks for the info. LOLZ its actually for GM jobs at blizzard for Wow. hehe. It was posted on thier mainsite, so BLAH, don't think it will happen, but fuck it, might as well try. They're in Irvine and who knows. If it pays more than what I make now ($0.50 an hour) would be an intesting thing. So let me apply with the millions of other yahoos. ;P

Here's my current gaming dilema:!: Pay 15 bucks and play wow again for a month, or pay 20 bucks and play eve again for a month. Need something to kill my non-reallife time, and as cool as the new Elder Scrolls game looks (that would be 50 bucks) god, just can't imagine myself enjoying a non-online crpg. Action games (or console emu-games) sure, but lately when I've tried some off-line rpgs, I just get bored and depressed hehe.

WoW: They opened a shitload of new servers, so that intial "new server" funness would be around for a minute. BUT, I think I've done every races/classes beginning quest lines AT LEAST, and GOD it sounds boring.

EVE: Such a DEEEEEP game, only barely scratched the surface in the 14 day trial, BUT space is a lonely place, and Eve did a good job of emulating that solitary feel. Still, just the economy of the game alone is so deep and interesting. And the pvp was tits. GOD! But there's is SO much zzz downtime, ugh, dunno.

I've got the account pages opened for both, and don't know where to click submit. I can't afford both atm, so who knows. Someone make a new awesome game quick!