
Friday, February 10, 2006

Glimpse of Poverty

Enjoy your jobs/$100 dollar wines/$20 dollar steaks guys... seriously. I was just rummaging through some papers and I saw how much they paid for a worker here. 177 pesos per day 8 hours, that's 45 cents an hour. That's equality of capitalism. That's not deducting taxes just yet. They work 6 days a week for 26 days of the month and only rake in 4600 gross. 4000 net. That's 80 bucks a month. So anyone complaining about how much they made?

Sure we all become a little shortsighted at the glitz and the glamour in our quest to gain material wealth as we live in also a faster paced globule. And of course we'd all like to strive for that, but keep in perspective. There are truly impoverished people in the world. Those really rich should truly set some goals for themselves and help the world. Damn the rich, Damn the poor.

Alright, I'm kinda somber after that realization, but on the brighter side, I'm working on my company incorporation papers, hiring an employee and buying a car, making licensing and registration with the Health dept. It's all going very slow and i'm not making progress any quicker especially since i have to work in the mornings, but it's goin. In fact, not being able to buy a car yet and being immobile is my biggest bane, despite it sounds like such a minute task.