
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Eat This!

I guess I am a Social Liberal (78% permissive) and an Economic Liberal (30% permissive). I am best described as a Strong Democrat. I exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. I guess my views have suffered as Bush would probably say, "leftifizationism" in the past few years. I used to be more Libertarian. Usually I see myself as more economically conservative. Maybe the spat of insane corporate news has turned me away from that ideology. (eNron book cooking, M$FT, Googleheim censorship in vaChina, ExxonMobil profits of insanity that borders on profiteering (4 of the top ten annual profits ever made by a company evAr are from Exxon, this years being the highest), ummm Halliburton, WalMart Union busting/Undocument workers scandals and predatory pricing, SCO bullshit lawsuits, RIAA lawsuits, etc...) These jArks leave the foul taste of ashes in my mouth. They also make all corporations look bad, which is not true. SOmeone needs to rein in the bad boys. Solution: No more corporate political donations and corporate insane corporate sponsership of lobbist groups. ALso REFORM PATENT LAW! Especially for software. Yeah like that will ever happen.

O: Safety not guaranteed. Funny shit.

The guitar game sounds sweet, all the way until my "stupid fingers" ruin all hopes of being a rock star. Well that and I have no rhythm.

Has anyone played Civ IV? It has some pretty good reviews and I have been getting the old Civ itch lately.

It was good to see Myke on Monday, albiet a bit brief. I even had an extra beer at the Tunnel Top with Myke in honor of our sickly comrade jr0n.
