
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Rematch? You lose! Had enough? I thought so!

Ja _el : As much as I think we would all like last weekend to happen again, I think elRock out with his cock out is just talking wishful thinking. That was a sweet weekend. Mini-cons aside... Anyway, I am going to take down the N0rt0n file this eve. If you still need it give me a shout.

Elzar : I like the blue lighted keyboard. They are cool, but unfortunately the sweet ones that have back lit keys do not come in 101 key format. When I was looking for one just before I bought the one I have, they all came in that stupid compact keyboard format without the numberpad. What is up with that? WHo wants to use a laptop keboard at home? Anyway, stay away from the Repetative Stress Injury. Bad news. Fortunately now that they weather has turned mine has cooled off a lot and I think I can start painting again. Moving on... You need to move away from the butcher. As David put it, he is a pansy. Ouch. If you like gung-ho caster tactics David had a sweet one. Throw your caster with your Khador Jack in to hand to hand with the other side's caster. He says one of the casters is a terror once he/she is behind the line and in one-on-one banjo man combat fuck with another caster.

Pump : That is a pretty funny mini. Have you ever tried to make a mini or has the green putty only been used for bonding/filling perposes and the occasional mod?

Jonzo : That is eerily similar to certain unspeakable horrors. I wonder if the jewlry design had some sort of devine influence, and not the goody two-shoes kind, while craft the star? Are we going to hook up for some Warmachine madness this weekend? Ja -El are you up for an ass creaming by Jorn this weekend?

Art-a-fArtichoke : May a little eNron demon never spawn from these loins. I dont think I could ever handle the sleep issue, or lack thereof.
