
Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Years In Summation

Denis and I ushered in the New Year with a rousing game of your favorite game and mine, Blood Bowl! There are new rules which allow for a Perpetual League, meaning no matter how more experienced a team is over another, there is a new handicapping system that allows for a close game to be played between the two teams. We will never have to start another league again! Exciting for me!

The game had Denis' luck and style indelibly stamped on it, as his Elves performed flashy after flashy move, only to fail at the most critical of moments allowing for the game to slip away.

Then on New Years day, rather than watching I Love the 80's/90's in it's entirety, as we did last year on New Years Day, Ryan and I played another rousing game of Blood Bowl. This game was marked by my cobwebs having been cleared out the night before, and Ryan's just being cleared out, so I had the edge and was a bit sharper.

Which brings me to my next question/comment: Now that we are all into miniatures games again/for the first time, Jon and Enron should look into Blood Bowl! The greatest miniatures boardgame ever! I'll bring the travel kit up in 2 weeks, and you can laugh at me and crush my hopes and dreams, but it will be there... Taunting.... Lurking... Haunting your sleep, until you succumb to the Blood Bowl....

Which brings me to my next question: Mike! Have you picked up your ticket yet?

Since Denis pulled the most punk rock of all job terminations, he is free all the time now, I was thinking we should leave around 3 or 4 on thursday. Early enough to miss traffic getting out of here, and arriving late enough to miss traffic getting in, and still early enough for drunken revelry.
