
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dr. Motorbyke, if I may:

Our time on this rock is painfully short, and even if we do get to reincarnate and come back to do it again, we don't remember the last visit anyway.. so I figure we must endeavor towards happiness and fulfilment in this life. If archeology and professoring makes you happy, then keep doing it. If it doesn't, then change the way you're doing it.. or do something else. That may seem over simplified or trite, but I find that the purest of truths usually are fairly straight forward. Time and energy spent on non-fulfilling endeavors is not just a waste of your resources and valuable time, but is time spent keeping you from pursuing the experiences and relationships you deserve.

/dr. phil

On a lighter note, I'm having a BLAST getting into modelling and texturing with some degree of mentorship and teaching behind me now.. only one class into each course and I've already picked up several kick ass tips and techniques that are helping immensely and clearing up some misconceptions/confusions I had about the process too. When we get a working Beta up and running, any of you interested in being testers?