
Saturday, November 12, 2005

My brain hurts. Just spent hours going through a pretty good (i guess) motorola modding site.


Looks like you can do all kinds of cool shit like put yer own mp3s for ringers, games, skins, whatever on these phones, but the shit don't seem that easy. Will give it another looksy with a clear mind.
Question for Java Gurus (jon, this where u work no?)

Anyone know a way to put Java games on a cell phone without buyin' em? Like HAXX0RZ or sumthen? My phone plus right into my comp with a usb, s0 I dunno how to make it hot!>!

PS - Talked to Aaron and found out about that new BOOK! OMG, friggin' just spent next weeks food money on it. Can't wait to read this! Feast4Crows

Friday, November 11, 2005

Welcome Myself to the 90's!

Got myself a new celly! And it's actually kinda new! Got the Motorolla v360, and it's the coolest phone I've had yet. Got my real email on there, blueteeths (wth is this for?), internet (tho this site wouldn't come up - wow's does hehe - and some other basic ones) nice camera/video functions - even has a removable sd card so i can transfer stuff to my computer via usb (pics and vids) or put mp3s onto it! i will fill the 64mb memory with many tune. I'm fuckin stoaked! Welcome to teh 90's I tell myself! Also, got it for "free" through some shady dealings. LOVE IT!

Now trying to figure out what obnoxious songs to buy for the rings

Yo Momma

In response to the comment, "iii) Point out to Aaron that I was at Kubla, which was NOT two years ago.". That was M. Anders, not, Dr. Wolly Mammoth Mummy Vagina Grave Robber (sorry forgot to use your full endearment name in the previous post). You graduated to a new name remember?

I will field my 3 point one man Army thank you very much. Whitey Snakebitey will kill all y'all asses.

Bill O'Reilly of Fox News to San Francisco on election day after SF Voted to oppose military recruitment in public schools and to ban handgun ownership in the city:
"Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead," O'Reilly went on. "And if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."

What an Asshat

And speaking of those conservative f-nuts, this is a sorry state of affairs as reported by Dan Savage of Savage Love:

STRAIGHT RIGHTS UPDATE: As I mentioned a few months ago, a vaccine for two of the most common strains of HPV, the virus that causes genital warts, is currently moving through the federal approval process. HPV can also cause cervical cancer in women, and the cancers caused by the virus kill 4,000 American women every year. Who could possibly be against the introduction of a vaccine—one that has proven 100 percent effective in clinical tests!—that will save thousands of women’s lives every year? Those “culture of life” assfucks, that’s who.

“A new vaccine that protects against cervical cancer has set up a clash between health advocates [and] social conservatives who say immunizing teenagers could encourage sexual activity,” the Washington Post reported last week. Doctors want teenage girls to receive the vaccine as a matter of routine when they hit puberty, something the religious right opposes. “Because the vaccine protects against a sexually transmitted virus, many conservatives oppose making it mandatory, citing fears that it could send a subtle message condoning sexual activity before marriage… ‘I’ve talked to some who have said, “This is going to sabotage our abstinence message,”’ said Gene Rudd, associate executive director of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations.” (To his credit, Rudd said he would want his daughters vaccinated.)

Brilliant is all I can say. Where do they find these people?


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Jesus Fuck! You both have 500-pt armies? Brilliant! Well, I will definitely be flaunting a lot of bare pewter then. That's great! Enron and I have so far only played 350 point games. Hobbiton, it's on!

Ryan it'd be great to see you again, your visits always portend a fun time at the con, or a boring one -- I forget!
Whore machine

Convention Time, Convention Time, time for fun filled dayzzzz! Looking forward to it very much and trying to clear the decks of work. Aeryk, I owe you a game or two of Whoremachine before the con so we can get the rules back into our heads.

Btw Jon - Elsore and myself have 500 point armies - both are (or will be) completely painted and ready to go. Dennis will have 500 points of aluminium foil and Enron will STILL be dithering over whether or not to get an army. Ryan's army is too cool for us to show up, but he can borrow mine if he wants to play you.

I've also got a little Con wish-list - in no particular order.

b) Reveal my secret Con Project (hope I finish it!)
w) Play lots of WarMachine
2) Play as the priest (2nd Level) in True Dungeon.
IV) Buy dice
1st) Bug Aaron until he buys a Warmachine army (and paints it) - "I'm feelin' it."
iii) Point out to Aaron that I was at Kubla, which was NOT two years ago.
z) shed the nickname Dr. Vagina (I studied ARCHAeology, not Gynaecology!)
5) Drinkies at teh pub!
-) ASL Lovin'
q) Be assigned to read the rules of a new game which we'll never play.
%) Take some NEW action team action photos

Dr. Myke
Whore machine

Convention Time, Convention Time, time for fun filled dayzzzz! Looking forward to it very much and trying to clear the decks of work. Aeryk, I owe you a game or two of Whoremachine before the con so we can get the rules back into our heads.

Btw Jon - Elsore and myself have 500 point armies - both are (or will be) completely painted and ready to go. Dennis will have 500 points of aluminium foil and Enron will STILL be dithering over whether or not to get an army. Ryan's army is too cool for us to show up, but he can borrow mine if he wants to play you.

I've also got a little Con wish-list - in no particular order.

b) Reveal my secret Con Project (hope I finish it!)
w) Play lots of WarMachine
2) Play as the priest (2nd Level) in True Dungeon.
IV) Buy dice
1st) Bug Aaron until he buys a Warmachine army (and paints it) - "I'm feelin' it."
iii) Point out to Aaron that I was at Kubla, which was NOT two years ago.
z) shed the nickname Dr. Vagina (I studied ARCHAeology, not Gynaecology!)
5) Drinkies at teh pub!
-) ASL Lovin'
q) Be assigned to read the rules of a new game which we'll never play.
%) Take some NEW action team action photos

Dr. Myke
My feet hurt

Ry-Aught: You should swing by the Con. You have not made a cameo in quite some time. Two years? Your lack of faith has led the Gods of Cons to write you off as a lost soul. A choices that has you destined for a trip to Hades whilst listening to Styx's greatest hits on heavy rotation. Once an attendee, always an attendee. So let it be done.

Rude: Next weekend. Th-Su.

is the con like this weekend?!?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Here's my list:

1) Play War Machine with Jon (he DID say all members of the Action Team!)
2) Hang out with Dean Petersen
3) Beer bong
4) Watch "Small Wonder"
5) Eat a filet mingnon- I'm so rich!
6) Snore

Will I make an appearance? One never knows.
Yeah, I gotta finish my armies too! Do you guys all just have the box sets? I will probably bring down my Cygnar and Cryx box sets (all painted! well the warcasters aren't done and kinda suck) and maybe the unit I have for each army as well? I WOULD just bring one army, but I HAVE TO bring extra because it seems NOT EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN! Le sigh! Anyway I should be able to get the trenchers painted up and then maybe I can get my zombie fuckars painted too! I am fired up for the man-jo-bot action!

Do you SoCal guys have any terrain to bring with you?

Here's My List!

1. Play Warmachine with all members of the Action Team!
2. Buy at least one fun-looking game that will turn out to be a total bust!
3. Introduce everybody to Prankston "Pranks" Pranser, wrasslin' illusionist extraordinaire!
4. Eat lots of sandwiches (it's PoorCon again for me I'm afraid)!
5. Hopefully not still be sick!
6. Watch some TV!
7. Steal more of Enron's grody orange toothpaste!

Don't cry... better days ahead!
And the biggest rumor for the new Alliance race is the Panderan! Samurai Pandas from WC3. YAY GAMES !
WoW, still can't let it go. Not much Action in a Team of one though. An expansion is coming out. Two new races, one being Blood Elves! Sweet sweet elves...

Ok, I've decided that for Warmachine I'll be exclusively using crumpled pieces of aluminum foil with festive little hats. That's me being all avant-garde and shit.

Gen Con to dos (in no particular order)

- Avoid any and all Banjo-Man Combat action
- Get mistaken for an elf
- Challenge the mother superior to a knife fight for leadership of the nun gang
- Get me some sweet sweet LARP love
- Make a True Dungeon DM cry by insisting to use Blossom in the game
- Purchase my body weight in miniatures
- Vote for Pedro
- Getting all gothy and sulking in the corner for the whole weekend
WoW - yeah i still play it from time to time hehe. Bought one of those 60 day cards so it'll end and be a hassle for me to restart. On the rp-pvp servers. PST 4 MORE INFOS! ;P

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


The pull.... temptation... becoming.... too, great....

...trying to.... resist.....


/quit life
Ho Kay

Elzar, I have played chit based games with you, although on only a couple occasions. We have played:

That's Ogre, you asshole
Awful Green Things from Outer Space
Banjo Man Combat Fuck.

Maybe I am missing one or two more. But still I would love to delve into some ASL actiony action.

Top XII things to do at GenCorn

1. Get some good olde fashioned gamin' in, a la D&D Dungeon Crawl
2. Roll some dice
3. Think about a Warmachine army
4a. Get pestered by Elzore to purchize said army
4b. Get made fun of by Jorn for not having an army
4c. Watch Dennis invest in another army
5. Finally play ASL for the first time EvAr
6. Get a closer room to the Con this year
7. True 'Grit' Dungeon
8. Drinky drink @ teh sweet tavern
9. Get prodded by Elzar some more to buy some minis
10. Watch Dennis hock the family jewels for more minitures
11. See Dr. vaGina game for the first time in two years
12. Be a turd

WTF Mate
Unnecessary censorship.. (LOL!)

GenCon and Counting!

The time approaches!!!

Got the pre-reg "Assault Atop Castle Greyhawk" tickets (friday 2.24 -4.24pm), got my badge, and got my fire on!

This is the last weekend for everyone to finish off (or start from scratch..I'm looking at you Denis *wink*) their Warmachine fighting men and women, so get to it! I have two pikemen left, and I am finished! How does everyone else stand?

My Top 8 GenCon List of Things I Wanna Do and Play

1) Get loaded in the D&D Tavern, located conveniently enough in our very hotel!
2) Play some Old-School D&D dungeon crawling goodness.
3) Warmachine!
4) Play ASL with Enron. I don't believe I have ever played a chit game with him, though he has tried to get me to play with him for YEARS, and I was too much of a whiny bitch to do it in the past.
5) Play ASL with everyone!
6) Try to get the same room as before so we can make wall to wall rollaway beds.
7) Play more ASL, D&D and Warmachine!
8) True Dungeon!

Now, everyone else write one!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Happy Birthday gramps! Since you're up early, I hear Spires serves a wicked breakfast. Mmm mmm just love gumming me some bran muffin.

Luckily for me, sleep is still a close intimate friend. Not in the biblical sense mind you. Maybe just the occasional petting. Hmmmm the embrace of unconsciousness.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Enron, Art, and Mike (and maybe even Jon, considering he has played ASL with more than everyone!): Go here, and download VASL.

Then go here, and download the scenario setups for ASLSK.

Then go here and download all the boards for ASLSK.

Then either get your Skype up and running, or call my cell phone and tell me when you wanna play, and we can type through the program.

I got the rules, which are really not that bad, and we can get some wargamin' on over teh net! You can also save the game state at anytime so it is easy to pick up for a turn or two here and there.

Do it!

BTW: Does anyone else play the "Yeah, Bush TOTALLY died on that hit, nah, not that one, not that one, DAMN!!! Broke his neck on that one! Game" using the fine Bush Ragdoll link? Man, I have been playing it for hours it seems....

It's actually rather cathartic.

EDIT: And this again 'cause it's funny!!! (sometimes slow to preload)