
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Yeah, I gotta finish my armies too! Do you guys all just have the box sets? I will probably bring down my Cygnar and Cryx box sets (all painted! well the warcasters aren't done and kinda suck) and maybe the unit I have for each army as well? I WOULD just bring one army, but I HAVE TO bring extra because it seems NOT EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN! Le sigh! Anyway I should be able to get the trenchers painted up and then maybe I can get my zombie fuckars painted too! I am fired up for the man-jo-bot action!

Do you SoCal guys have any terrain to bring with you?

Here's My List!

1. Play Warmachine with all members of the Action Team!
2. Buy at least one fun-looking game that will turn out to be a total bust!
3. Introduce everybody to Prankston "Pranks" Pranser, wrasslin' illusionist extraordinaire!
4. Eat lots of sandwiches (it's PoorCon again for me I'm afraid)!
5. Hopefully not still be sick!
6. Watch some TV!
7. Steal more of Enron's grody orange toothpaste!

Don't cry... better days ahead!