
Saturday, November 05, 2005

That IS a sweet hat. I wish I had one for Enron to wear.

Sleep-wise, I've found that I like getting up early now. If I wake up at 7:30 on a weekend, I'm stoked because that means I have more time to enjoy my precious day off. I can't sleep in the way I used to but I just don't mind.

What I do mind is taking forever to get over being sick... man it used to take me a few days to shake off a cold. Now it's like going on a nice long vacation, a vacation of sickness. I've had this thing for a week and it keeps getting better, then worse, then worse, then better. Blagh!
Speaking of birthdays.. best birthday hat evar?


Do any of you find it harder and harder to sleep in anymore? After 6:30 this morning I just rolled around frustrated I couldn't sleep. Booo....

Keep your self entertained and relieve stress. Check out the Bush Rag Doll site.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Ohhhh shit! You're all fucked now! Meet Prankston Pranser, 1st level gnome illusionist! He'll cast Nystul's Undetectable Aura on his magical gnome cock and use it to bone yo momma on the sly! He enjoys going into the dungeon, finding treasure, fighting a monster, and boning yo momma on the sly. He wears leather armor with armor spikes added to it and when he runs out of spells, it's grapplin' time! With a 16 Constitution he's got enough stamina to last the whole fight or the whole night! His alignment is "fuck you."

Excited about this dungeon crawlin' campaign!
Happy birthday to Enron! Yeah, I could go out and have fun with you tonight! Instead I think I'll stay in and be sick! Huzzahr.

Pump I am moved by your bard. In fact I may make a bard as well! Mine will be a gnome, however. I think I will print out a character sheet and see what happens!
happy life-day enron!

Man, I thought even today "Mmm.. Aaron's birthday is coming up soon" Completely failing to realize that it's November 4th already. Jesus. Happy birthday you old fahhhrt.

Eric, to be honest.. we've got a nice mortgage rate as an "owner occupied" dwelling which means that refinancing and/or selling it right this second just wouldn't be prudent. If I was still living up in Washington, I'd be buying up as many four unit complexes as I could, with the intent of consolodating into a 12-24 unit as property values continue to climb. But, so much for that idea. Heh.

It's still something I'd like to do in the future, however. Especially as the housing bubble will be crapping out in the next 4-5 years.. it'd be a very good window of opportunity to get in just before that blows out.
Today infact

Dr. Gina is the December man. Im so old now I fart dust.

When Did You Turn 31?!?

I thought your birthday was in December.

Yeah, Art have you thought about selling your place in WA and moving your cash elsewhere, maybe into a du/4/8/12-plex somewhere? Or are you guys happy with the rent you are recieving and it would be too much of a pain in the keister to deal with selling the place with baby/school/job/Vegas?

Curious is all.
I am old. 31, D'oh.

O Rugs & Elzar : I suppose I didnt answer the main question did I. Mostly because I am not sure. I mean, I have learned quite a bit. Yet, I am far removed from a lot of the action so I am not sure how much I am missing. I have to imagine the worst parts are hidden from my view of the process. SO I guess at this point I would say I do not know enough. Or more to the point, I know enough now to be dangerous.

Pump: I like the cut of your Jib.

Still avoiding teh work.

Already have my character rolled up and ready to go!

Blossom - Lvl 1 half-fairy/half-unicorn Bard
Dude.. Aaron is on a ROLL. LOL.

Property Management III

I, too, have quite a bit of experience working with property managers and whatnot through my years as a commerial insurance guy. It's a highly lucrative business, especially if you can grab some mid-range property in a growth area. Depending on how deeply you are leveraged, you can very often see positive cash flow immediately on an existing property acquisition. I, too, am looking towards such an investment for the future. Of course, with the stock market being what it is these days, and interest rates being what they are.. so is everyone else. When interest rates go back up and people get cozy with stock investments again, the real estate market won't be so cut throat or volatile.

BTW, Aaron.. you didn't answer the most important of Eric's questions, me thinks. =)

Thursday, November 03, 2005


F'n blog wont post


BTW: ELZAR!!!!! what the hell. The kings got cheated out of a cup by an illiterate coach in 93. WTF? Salt + Wound = Assy*nipples
D&D rUleZ L33T h4xZOrp33T)&YH>eI-_+,m//,oj

I Ha><0r yO|_|R D1C3 nU7z

Oh shit. I lost it there. D&D is the sweetest love ever. She may grow tiresome after heavy rotation, but not long after, your ready to bed with her for the night of your life. Or some shit like that. I will roll up teh sweet character. I like your idea ElZ4r. I think a little dungeon crawl action works well in the sporadic play we get to involve ourselves in these dayz.

31r0x0r: D0 i7 j00 455 5m0k3r. GIv3 uz 50m3 53ri0uz D&D 4c7i0n j00 dir7y cun7.

SO I guess the question of the day is, who is going to be the healing bitch? What l3V3l are we starting at? 1st, 10th? 0th? I am sure we will need a thief. Rude is that where you are headed? Youn seem to like the rogu3s. /|/|yk3? P|_|mP? j()Rn? Ill have |)4\/1|) setup a character too. Im thinking a Dorf Cleric maybe.


I think the lockdown of the site and the disabling of various anonymous users and access has saved the action team! (waiting to eat my words...)

D&D is the flavor of the convention. I was talking about this earlier in the blog, but I think it would be fun to run a game that could carry over from con to con, and has somewhat of a loose storyline so that it can be picked up twice or so times a year.

So, I wanna run a perpetual dungeon crawl type game. One that maybe the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide could come in handy for!

That being said, everyone should make a character! Good ole D&D character, well D&D 3rd Ed., of course.

No Druids, and initially only the core books, PHB, DMG, MMI. Good, old fashioned, OG D&D!

Balanced party would be good and a cleric is a MUST! Focus on skills that would be useful in a dungeon setting, rather than a town settting. Information gathering, probably not. Search, Listen, etc. Yes!

My thoughts on this are that it is easy to pick up, play a few hours, put it down ad be done with it. As a guy who runs games from time to time, there is nothing worse than trying to write/run a game with a storyline, and not have everyone into it cause they are tired. So this aleviates that problem: Too tired? Go to sleep, everyone else can keep playing and you really won't miss that much, just some dungeon crawling fun.

I think this format will be fun. And I think Rudy said it best when he stated (paraphrased), "you don't even need to have an adventure planned, just stick us in a room with some NPC's and a whole night of adventure awaits!"

Sound good?

Also, lots of ASL. And Warmachine. And thats all. And maybe this ashtray. But thats all. And maybe this chair. But thats all.
i read that whole fucking post! yer hella smart enron!
Property Management II

I haven't read any of these posts thoroughly because I haven't had time - trying to finish off the applications hell with a big push. However, I wanted to say to Elrock that he's overlooking *my* property management experience... remember I was a manager of an appartment building for about a year. I'm interested in getting our knowledge together on this because it's in my game plan for the future too.

Property management

<Everyone who is not Elzar, ignore this>

There are certainly both a lot of similarities and a lot of differences. Dealing with corporate tenants can be tough because they can be very demanding and are often paying huges sums of money to be in your facility. A lot of my job revolves around that very fact. Where you may hear from a residential tenant maybe a couple times a year, I often hear from our tenants anywhere from a couple times a month to several times a day, depending on their square footage and their maintenance requirements. I think on a square footage to square footage basis, you are certainly going to hear from the corporate tenant more often by at least an order of magnitude more than residential. Thus, you need a lot more staff to support the same footage. Of course this is all from the perspective of large building support (~800,000 s.f.). The other part is a great deal of energy is spent on tenant build outs before they move and on insurance and access requirements. I probably spend about an hour of each day processing, procurring, or in some way dealing with insurance and access requirements for vendors and tenant guests entering the building. What does this all add up to. Well I am only seeing a small slice of what goes on. Another guy does all the billing/legal correspondence. He is not even the legal council or accoutnant. He just processes and corresponds in these areas. Then we have a property manager and assistant property manager that deal with decision making, upper level tenant correspondences, lease issues, build-outs, etc.

A lot of what is similar is soothing tempers, dealing with issues in a timely manner and what generally amounts to good customer service. On the business end, I file and scan leases, I deal with the brokers on a access level basis and I deal with the contractors on a day to day operations basis, but none of it really amounts to hands on interaction with the actual meat of things, but more of operations of day to day activity. Not that the business end is really rocket science. A lot of it is having a standardized lease form for tenants and following the rules and regulations set forth by that lease. The really hard part of management would be finding and signing tenants, and property speculation.

What I think I would suck about residential management is confronting tenants about violations of rules and regs. You dont get loud neighbors or drunken paries or teenage punks F'n things up in the corporate environment. I donno. I should talk with you more about it later. Sorry to bore everyone to no end.

</Everyone who is not Elzar, ignore this>


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Enron, the Property Manager

What are you learning about property management at your current job? Enough to say, run an apartment complex? Or are we talking apples and oranges (apartments and office buildings)?
Holy shit..

The funniest thing Ive ever seen on Al Gore's Internets:


I turned off anon FTP, but I dont think that is the problem. Public PHP documents are just too insecure and script kiddies can just grab a script to manipulate weaknesses in the PHP scripts. Not that privately build ones are much better, but they are not widely available and exposed to scrutiny of crakers in the same manner. Most kiddies will pass over a site that does not have a standard PHP file to trash.

I also turned off index.php's ability to have write access. That may or may not stop the issue. The issue is probably in one of the other PHP modules. I guess if it gets hit again I can lock them all down and see what happens. It may also cause problems with the script itself.

All: If you notice issues, post. I will check up on it. I have to get to bed I am so fucking tired.

These are lame... Erase that one

Im f'n tired and those a-holes hit again. Fixed it but no I jhave to fix things. Cock knockers.

Holy shit guys. It's possible we're dealing with an attack from within. I just ran a hotzone protocol on the logs and I just realized, they trace back to a Bay Area address. Pretty close to me actually. DigitalMind... "D.M."... wait a second, is there someone on the 'Team whose normal handle uses those initials?

Oh hey man, what are you doing here?

What are you... hey wait! I...!


Well, we have been posted as a defacement on Zone-h.org. Unfortunately the culprit did not leave a route of attack description. I will have to dig in the logs to see what was up. Suck ass. Like I dont have better things to do.

Wee. It occured at 18:51, whatever time. You may need to go to the next page or further too see it since it is a live list that updates pretty quickly.

Also: Interesting note posted in the Postnuke forums by an individual under the same name.

BTW Postnuke is probably the issue.

aLl yOuR BasES!!!!!!

So, he did it again. I get it.

And this time I think I have figured out a quick fix, as opposed to last time, which was rebuilding the site again, but easier 'cause I know how to do it.

As far as removing anonymous users, I had done that, but I don't know how FTP access was gained, cause I don't have SSH access, that's a question for Enron. Hey Enron, can you disable anonymous FTP users with your SSH access sometime today?

I kinda liked the RUNDMC theme too, but two things: One, I like the gaming report link, and two, just to spite DigitalMind, I wanna keep this theme going.

So, we'll see who tires first. Will it be the Action Team? Or will it be DigitalMind?
Teh blog lives on.

Fucking middle schooler kiddies with nothing better to do with their time. Grow up, kid.

get with the program Art!! ;)

(So, who what when where why??? I thought only us looked at the site anyways!)
Is it bad that I was sort of digging the all-black design? Other than for a lack of "to blave" option.. (how were you guys posting?)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Teh Shitbag Can't Keep Me Down!

F You Digital Mind! I beat you!!! Well, actually you kicked my ass, and hopefully you don't comeback here and re-h4x0rz the site, cause it was a terrible pain to get back up and running, so GOOD JOB DIGITALMIND! YOU DID GREAT!

Wow. That was like 4 hours of my time I could have spent elsewhere.

Thanks Rudy! It didn't work like we may have hoped, but it inspired me to not quit! I actually had to delete the whole site, and re install everything, from a backup I JUST MADE. Ugh.
Here's a cached version of the old design from google:


Dunno if you can get the source info from that to quickly make the old site again. Good luck! Who is this hacker anyways?


So some guy named DigitalMind decided to fuck with the Action Team and delete the old index.php file. Sweet.

I thought that Lunarpages has some sort of ability to restore hacked files, and they do, for 75.00. Ot I can enroll in a $1.50/mo service that will cover any FUTURE hacks.

So, I have thrown this together, and maybe one day I will try and restore it to it's old glory.

I miss the Gaming Report sidebar. I can't get the code for it anymore. Boo.
Glad to hear you liked the movie Steve! Yeah it gets pretty intense at the end there. Can't wait to see it again. Frankly, I'm amazed it's still playing in the major movie theater around here! Although I heard that SF was one of the markets in which the movie did very well. Yay Bay Area Firefly fans!

Spent most of last night being the slab monster again. Way more fun to do it actually on Halloween -- tons of groups came through including lots of screamy girl groups, which are of course a slab monster's ideal audience. The lamest group was this group of crappy highschoolers who thought it would be funny to pull me off the slab. Well, I learned how to stunt fall in my elementary school drama class so I went ahead and let them. Then just as they were convinced I really was a mannequin I started crawling after them while growling and shouting and pretty well scared the shit out of them. Yay, fear!

I'm sick as shit so I am going back to bed.

Monday, October 31, 2005


I put them up on the webserver. Tell me when they are up so I can peel them off the server.

Can't Bring Me Down - Suicidal Tendencies
Surf Nicaragua - Sacred Reich

we made the dvd screener for that movie, and like no way would i smuggle it out - i would be persecuted (really.)


gonna watch it again tonight! :P

Work is still the suxxor. And a friend just got fired here a few minutes ago.

I have both Surf Nicuragua and Can't bring me down in mp3 format. I can email them (Probably too big) or I can post them on the action team server. Man the Generic Eric tapes were the shit. Awesome. My Mellow Boy I through VII series set was not as great, but I do have some classics floating about in their too.

I have also played Womb of Horrors. I play under your DM direction, but also I do not remember much of the original. All I really remember is Acosta and I getting sex changes somehow. Ohh, and that you had "Corpse" the next day.

Yes a good time was had in such a compressed time period. As I look back on it, I think I was just a tad punchy. Made for some good conversations though. Just remeber Elzar, anytime you suggest a restaurant be very sure it is good, or else.

I have not seen Serenity yet. I really would like too. My woman is lagging on watching the TV series before we go see it. In fact I think I have given up on that.


PS Good to see Pump and Dr. Vagina posting
I got a book for you Mike

Read it. Then ask yourself the same question.

Call me. We'll do lunch.
I'm not dead yet?

Damn! Too bad. Remind me why I care so much about an academic job? Or remind me why I shouldn't? This is teh suxasaurus!


Posting on teh blog is fun, and educational, Denis!

Not to mention, it offers a nice alternative to hardly working.

And it is settled: No Tomb of Whores. I had a feeling Denis "I own as much gaming crap as Eric" Takara would have played/read/DM'd ToW.

ALSO, NOTE TO ENRON AND RYAN: EDIT I have found the actual Generic Eric III tape, and know the exact playlist. I'm going to recreate it and redistribute it for all to enjoy! Well, you two anyway. And maybe Mike. But not Denis.


I need these songs, anyone got them? I have the rest of GEIII ready to go!

Breadfan and The Prince - Metallica Versions
Can't Bring Me Down - Suicidal Tendencies
Surf Nicaragua - Sacred Reich

I'm at work. Work is teh suxxors.

"Tune of Howards"
playeded it!!!!
owneded it!!!
Dmded it!!!
over fifteen years ago, only remember the naked portal bit. Tee hee, I said naked.
Tomb of Whores

I need a definitive answer here, people. I know it has been bandied about in the past maybe playing the ToW, but I could never figure out who has and has not played this fine, fine, dungeon crawl.

So. Who of the GenCon attendees has, or has not played? If no one has played it, we totally should. If even one of us has played it before (other than me), or even read it (I'm looking at Denis and Jon here), then we should not play it, cause it should really be experienced for the first time by everyone.


Good to see Enron and enjoy a delicious Mo Job with him, Denis and Football!
Wow, finally saw Serenity! It was really great. Kinda akward in the beginning - just all the reintroductions, etc - but once I got into it, it flowed nice and natural like the show. Wow, pretty epic huh! Can't believe some of the stuff that happened! Dunno who hasn't seen it/cares, so I'll shutup there, but damn. Good shit!

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Scratch that comment about Mel. I guess it is cloney's movie, not Mel's I was describing. Yeah Mel is crazy though. Sweet.

Hey sometimes a natural one is good, right? Besides we are all about critical fumbles at just the right time.

I, for one, am anti-Yosemite-Sam. Fucking out of control drunk midget.
I gotta take a pess

Mel's movie that he is making is a supposed to blur the lines between good/evil hero/villian. I donno, it could be an interesting take. I got to imagine a great deal of the American public is going to have issue with it. Then again maybe it just supports his father's anti-semmite agenda.

Jorn: I would be up for gaming n' stuff this week. Monday of course is out and Tuesday night I will be having dinner with an old coworker. Other than that I am good to go.

My costume is pretty sweet. I will have to post it on the blog when I get the photos of the camera. Stay tuned.

Yo Momma
Has Mel Gibson finally gone completely batshit crazy?

It just occurred to me that the d20 on the blog seems to have rolled a natural "1". FUMBLED ATTACK! What does that mean, exactly? Hell if I know, man. It's 1am and I'm tired of writing my term paper. Teh.