
Friday, November 04, 2005

Dude.. Aaron is on a ROLL. LOL.

Property Management III

I, too, have quite a bit of experience working with property managers and whatnot through my years as a commerial insurance guy. It's a highly lucrative business, especially if you can grab some mid-range property in a growth area. Depending on how deeply you are leveraged, you can very often see positive cash flow immediately on an existing property acquisition. I, too, am looking towards such an investment for the future. Of course, with the stock market being what it is these days, and interest rates being what they are.. so is everyone else. When interest rates go back up and people get cozy with stock investments again, the real estate market won't be so cut throat or volatile.

BTW, Aaron.. you didn't answer the most important of Eric's questions, me thinks. =)