
Thursday, May 05, 2005

Yeah, come to think of it, please change my quote. I want to work.

Jon, some of your best work yet. Laughed pretty hard at your exchange with the Amazon people.

And who is "Entertai nMe" on the little board on the left. They sound mad.
Who lives is a pineapple, under the sea?

I went and saw New Order and Chemical Brothers in concert on Friday. I'll tell you what, New Order, as cool as it was to see them in concert, are definately a studio band. No energy or passion on stage, vocals were just way too weak and a little rough/out of sync. All their guitar work was a little rusty, but hey the synth work was great.On the other hand I expected chemical brothers to be boring in concert. I mean DJ work isnt the most exciting visual work on stage, especially at any distance over 20 feet. It is more about the music. However, their visual effect show was great. A lot of sweet projected videos and sophisticated stage light show. Not at all what I expected.

Props to the referrals research. I really like the motobyke one. Too about Ry with the quote.

Rude: You are driving to the con right? Would you be adverse to David hitching a ride with you and spliting the cost? Homeboy really wants to come but he can not shell out 150 for plane tix.

Elzar: Hows the WFRP coming along? I was seriously drooling over the players handbook at Borders yesterday. Almost bought it and then I came to my senses. Like I am poor n' stuff. Boooo. Maybe I will buy it at the kh0n as my one big purchare of merch.

Pen Jotersen: Rebates are bunk. I seriously think they try and make the process so unpleasent that purchasers will shy away from actually completing the rebate. A sub-conscience aversion and procrastination two pronged offensive. Yet, most people will buy the product based on the subconscience draw of the lower price. A lose, lose scinario. I think the rebate disbursement rate is something like 10-20% of total sales transactions. Cockballz.

Spounge Bob, square pants!
Way to have the cool psychic Intarweb powarz Hemo! You can LOOK INTO THE MINDS OF MEN!

Fuck Amazon in their goddamn cock-ear. I've been dealing with this bullshit hassle over a $150 phone rebate for over six months now.

OK now that I know we're a major googleable Intarweb presence I'll refrain from listing my address, but let's just assume it's "123 FUCKYOU ST."

1. Back in December or some shit I was denied the rebate because they had put a different form on the phone web page than I was supposed to use. Me: "But I just used the form that you gave me!" Customer service rep: "That was the wrong one! Tee-hee!" Me: "Oh."
2. So they fix that and then weeks and weeks go by. I call. Rep: "Your address was 132 Fuckyou St., right?" Me: "No, it's 123 Fuckyou St." "Tee-hee!"
3. So they fix that and then weeks and weeks go by. I call. Rep: "Oh, that shit is on the way, we just sent it out!"
4. More weeks. I call. Rep: "Oh yeah, we sent that shit out. In our system we have your address as: '123 YUCKFUFFFUUOOOUFFF St.' Is that correct?" Me: "What the fuck? IT IS 123 FUCKYOU ST, NOT 123 YUCKFUFFUUOOOUFFF ST!" Rep: "Tee-hee!"
5. More weeks go by and all of a sudden, it's today! I call back and ask to speak with a manager. Manager: "What was your address again?" Me: "123 Fuckyou St." Him: "OK, I've gone and corrected that now. I'll send it out. I just want to move forward." Me: "Wait... 'corrected it'? What did you have it as?" Manager: "I just want to move forward." Me: "WHAT DID YOU HAVE IT AS?" Manager: "We had it as 132 Fuckyou St." Me: "ARRGH!" Manager: "Tee-hee!"

This is especially annoying because I've been thinking some purchases from them (more Exalted crack and WFRP) since they're so cheap, but Jesus Christ!

So, on a whim I was looking at where various people have come from before they hit theactionteam.org, called HTTP Referrals, and while the majority of them come from bookmarks (and homepage buttons) there have been some interesting hits to say the least.

- A google search for Ryan Patrick Walsh comes up with the AT site and Ryan's fine racism quote, bummer for him. And I guess I should probably change it to protect any questionable issues with Ry's professional future....

- Quite a few WoW hits actually. Dalaran, Gloves of Might, etc.

- Search for "insurance + motobyke". LOL!!!

- Quite a few searcehs for Duchess of Kent, America, and Tea, referring to another random quote. As well as a search for "the shit be on".

- Most numerous random referrals came from searches for words including "fucking action". Regrettably hitting our site due to "The Action Team: NOT fucking with Ragnar since 2002"!!! See for yourselves what fine company we keep on some search engines!

Good Times!

BTW Jon, that was some good stuff!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Cool pix man! Your new Xbox Live Gamertag is "ST4LK3R."


My day so far:

1. Wash some dishes.
2. Lie down for a while.
3. Take a gross alcohol shit.
4. Repeat.

All that wine and kahlua fucked me up man! It was well worth it but jeez. Maybe eating the piece of poundcake that was lying out on the table overnight didn't help.

Anybody seen Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yet?

Never got a chance to take a proper pic of JP at my release party, but I was able to get some of these spy shots of him, so here you go gang! I know you've all been waiting for this!

Have fun kids!
Best Way to Get Up Early Is to Drink Late

I now possess Enron's Skelephone. The phone that I named is now borne by its namer. A curious karmic circle of events.

Aaron swung by yesterday afternoon to drop off the phone, which turned into us playing the Doom boardgame with one of my roommates, which led to making a huge dinner for some ladies, which led to staying up until 3:00 AM watching Freaks & Geeks!

Which led to the ENORMOUS pile of dishes in my sink! Ah well, this kind of fun and debauchery has to be paid for somehow. Time to get out the dish soap and start cracking. But first... bathroom run! Ohhhhhhhhh