
Thursday, May 05, 2005


So, on a whim I was looking at where various people have come from before they hit theactionteam.org, called HTTP Referrals, and while the majority of them come from bookmarks (and homepage buttons) there have been some interesting hits to say the least.

- A google search for Ryan Patrick Walsh comes up with the AT site and Ryan's fine racism quote, bummer for him. And I guess I should probably change it to protect any questionable issues with Ry's professional future....

- Quite a few WoW hits actually. Dalaran, Gloves of Might, etc.

- Search for "insurance + motobyke". LOL!!!

- Quite a few searcehs for Duchess of Kent, America, and Tea, referring to another random quote. As well as a search for "the shit be on".

- Most numerous random referrals came from searches for words including "fucking action". Regrettably hitting our site due to "The Action Team: NOT fucking with Ragnar since 2002"!!! See for yourselves what fine company we keep on some search engines!

Good Times!

BTW Jon, that was some good stuff!