
Saturday, January 22, 2005

I hate to be a whore.. but..

Can you guys visit this site for me, and vote for the Badge of Blood project? That would be supah sahweet! (And if you feel so inclined, pass the link around too! Hehe)

Vote for Badge of Blood Linky



Thursday, January 20, 2005

OMFG.. have you guys seen this yet?

Too funny! Check it out.. beware the evils of D&D!

Click Meh


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Small World

I went to my semi-regular gaming group tonight (meaning they meet regularly, but my attendance is, uh, somewhat spotty). There was a new guy there and after I'd been there a few minutes he said, "Don't I know you from somewhere." Turns out he was one of the guys who played "Murder at the Abbey" with Denis and I at KublaKon. Very strange....

Anyway, that particular group of gamers is really good, especially for me since they're all really into the German Puerto Rico/Giganten/Carcassonne/bidding/backstabbing game style but also like the occasional wargame throwdown. The best news is that there are three guys from that group who are extremely interested in playing Twilight Imperium. They also seem like they would be really fun to play with. So Aaron and Johnny, we have the potential for all the space battles we can stand!

Well, we've yet to hear back from the Jackson folks about putting together our book/system under their label. The OGL thing seems to be too much of a stickler for releasing all of our proprietary game mechanics fo-free.. which doesn't do us much good. So, it would seem we're headed towards our own rip-off system that will be a mix of Warhammer, Gurps, and d20 rules. Weeeee!

I'm still hoping that maybe once we get our shit together and have something more cohesive to submit, that we might figure something out with GURPS.. but I dunno. We will have to wait and see on that count.

Happy news: The refinance is going through pretty quickly (suckers) and I look to be about $500/mo to the good here in about 2-3 weeks as well as cashing out a few grand to pay for a moving company. Mr. Management guy says he's got people lined up to rent the joint.. but I don't suppose he'd have a lot of business if he told prospective clients that he had no one, knew no one, and saw no chance of us renting the place this decade.. you know? So, I'm going to have to believe that we can rent it.. or sell it by this summer at the worst.

Haylee continues to grow at blob-like rates. It's really quite frightening to see how big she is today compared to day one.


Do not ever get a girlfriend, or any close friend for that matter, that works in a hospital. Damn! She gave me some sort of flu Tuesday. Wierd one too. It is already over. Chills and the fever last night. Aches until noon. Fortunately, I missed out on the Womiting part that she went through.

Ragnarock: Yes Art actually sleeps with his eyes open. It is fucking creepy. I think he has super prodigious tear glands acting as an alternative outlet for his bladder to prevent excessive drying.

O rugs: Welcome to our world. That makes only Two fully employed members, three half employed members (Ry works for free for a few more weeks, then he will be fulla employed), and three fully unemployed members. The action team alright.

E-Rock: I still think the pop-corn popper webserver or the NES server rules.


Firefly the GI Joe Action Figure Was Cool

Yet, the TV show is even better! I finally caved and NetFlixed it, and I'm through the first disk and it is a lot of fun! I have only played a space RPG once before and it was fun, but now more than ever, I am fired up to play one again! Art, tell your guys to do it! GURPS Transhuman Space and Traveller, here come my eyeballs!

Also, if any of you have not treated yourselves to the wonders of Arrested Development, please for the sake of all that is hilarious and good, Netflix it, buy it, do whatever it takes, but watch that show, it is really, really, really good.

I am feeling another Action Team website revival coming, this one was fun for a while, but I think is growing stale. Fresh blood for the .html Godz! Maybe some .php Godz can get in on the action while I am at it. Definately something to do with WoW, and as always promised, maybe a picture section? Of course, this new site might very well be hosted on a home server if Aaron and I ever get around to making the "Web Server in a Popcorn Maker"....

Time to bust out the GURPS stuff again... maybe even some Buck Rogers, or some Space Opera.... D6 Star Wars anyone?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

That, my friend..

Was fucking genious. I'm going to miss yet another AT gathering.. *sigh*

Maybe "soon", as I find myself gainfully unemployed.. I'll be able to make more of such gatherings. Of course, I'm going to be poor as hell now.. so I trade lots of free time for no money. Damn. Why can't I get paid well for playing video games, surfing the web and generally sitting on my ass?
That guy is the president of nothing but his own asshole.

The Action Team Action Plan

All right Lee, listen up because in The Action Team we say the fucking plan once, and if you don't get it after that, you're fucked. Hemo, Vespa, and Rudy Riot are coming up here in February. Month of love, motherfucker, but really it's the month of hate. Driving up the hellish freeways in Hemo's armored mobile command center. They'll be here on Friday the 4th, and they're sleeping at your apartment and eating your food so don't even fuckin' worry about it. We're going to do missions, wash dishes, and play Twilight Imperium until civilization goes under. The members of the AT who can't make it are fucking dead now. Don't worry about 'em. Drop one tear and move on.
Ah yes.. the zombie-sleeping gene has been passed on to a new generation..

It's really fucking creepy by the way.

Hey, the quote of the month:

"It's important for people to know that I'm the president of everybody." -Dub.

I cringe every time I see or hear this clown speaking as the President of MY country.. ugh.
World of Blogcraft

Your baby is adorable, I hope as she grows she keeps all the wonderful features of your wife intact, and NEVER starts to exhibit signs that she really is your baby, ie inside out nose, grease factor lvl 12 hair, and open eye sleeping.

Thoughts, news, etc:

- Found some sweet pictures that I think I need to scan and blog, the problem is there is no room for my scanner where the computer is currently and I'm not sure I want to move the computer into the garage just yet, so we wait...

- Also, re-rediscovered some sweet music tapes, featuring hits by such bands as The JP Can't Come Over Band, and other. Tracks include: 'Puppet Girl', "Freshman Dork", "Transformer", "White Little World", "Hey Hey Hey" (aka "Hey Aaron", and "The Beep Beep Song"), and finally "14th Street". The good news is that I got a sweet tape deck for the computer that can convert tapes to MP3's, the bad news is that I will post these gems on the Action Team for all to download and enjoy.

- I also Re-rediscovered the One Beer Many videotape and Ry and I sat through watching it last night, and we were more than a little embarrassed by the whole thing. Ugh.

- Rudy, Denis and I are on for the SF trip! I envision us leaving Friday night or the 4th of Feb, probably around 7 or 8, and then either coming home late sunday night or sometime on monday the 7th. You should meet us there Art! I mean really, your office burned down AND you are quitting, so why not piss off your responsibilities and head on down?

- The website looks good BTW, Turo. I'm still not convinced that the push to make a pencil and paper RPG to help sales of the video game, is really viable. I mean, RPG sales are not quite at an all time low, but they are close, and I just don't know if the resources spent on devloping the RPG wouldn't be better spent on the game itself.

- Mike is back in England now. At least we all got to meet for one hour at lunch that one time while he was here. Stupid footnotes.

- The project is coming along nicely, there are only a few more pieces to finish, and hopefully with the help of The Action Team's own Worker Bee, Aaron, we should have it all finished by the SF trip!

- I have not played BB in a long time! :(

- The Ticket to Ride virus has spread! I have a copy, got Heather into the game, she bought a copy, took it to her family's over the holidays, they bought a copy, played with Leslie's family, they bought a copy, then they bought a copy for Leslie's sister.... play online for free if you have one Days of Wonder game registered online! Or buy a web card! Do it!www.ticket2ridegame.com

- I think that is all for now...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Heyo! Here's some recent photos of Haylee I thought I'd share:


Sleepy time!

