
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Firefly the GI Joe Action Figure Was Cool

Yet, the TV show is even better! I finally caved and NetFlixed it, and I'm through the first disk and it is a lot of fun! I have only played a space RPG once before and it was fun, but now more than ever, I am fired up to play one again! Art, tell your guys to do it! GURPS Transhuman Space and Traveller, here come my eyeballs!

Also, if any of you have not treated yourselves to the wonders of Arrested Development, please for the sake of all that is hilarious and good, Netflix it, buy it, do whatever it takes, but watch that show, it is really, really, really good.

I am feeling another Action Team website revival coming, this one was fun for a while, but I think is growing stale. Fresh blood for the .html Godz! Maybe some .php Godz can get in on the action while I am at it. Definately something to do with WoW, and as always promised, maybe a picture section? Of course, this new site might very well be hosted on a home server if Aaron and I ever get around to making the "Web Server in a Popcorn Maker"....

Time to bust out the GURPS stuff again... maybe even some Buck Rogers, or some Space Opera.... D6 Star Wars anyone?