
Friday, December 02, 2005

Piss on the Tech Support

Those DSL/Cable Modem support groups suck. They never get it right and seem to cause more problems then solve. On a few occasions they have asked me to perform the most boneheaded things. Maybe if they paid those people more than $9.50 an hour they might get better results. Sorry to hear about the Drive wipe. On the otherhand, it is nice to do that from time to time to clear out all the crud that builds up.

I enjoyed A Feast for Crows but I will have to admit I was bummed not getting to read about a number of the plot lines. Also, I just could not get into the Iron Island threads, especially in the begining.

David is rabid about War Machine. He has called me the past couple of days asking me about my progress and telling about his. Good to see him move from WoW crack to War Machine crack.

Brilliant: Mr.T once punched Chuck Norris at the exact moment he roundhouse kicked Mr.T in the chest. the result was the 80's. and On all 3428 instances it occured, when Mr. T and Chuck Norris both 'deflower' the same woman, the resulting spermal battles have caused the woman's uterus to explode in a flurry of pity and roundhouse kicks.

Damnit Art: You nearly have a perfect score in Fantasy. Fucker. Mean while my guys have been masturbating the past few days. Grrrrr...

You guys don't grow shit; plus, if I tore your legs off, you would look like snowmen.