
Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Merry Christmas Y'all

Hey guys! Well merry Xmas, and here's hoping it was a good one for all, maybe even a totally crazy triple-Xmas with hazelnut syrup.

I made out pretty well this year as I got geeky gifts from both my girlfriend and sister! Huzzah! I got Serenity, Feast for Crows, a WARMACHINE Seether, and... this was a really cool surprise... the Game of Thrones RPG. For those of you who haven't seen it is a real beaut. A mammoth, gorgeous, full-color d20 conversion. It's also got this nice matte color that it just fun to touch. I love it!

Other presents included an espresso maker, so it looks like this January's minis weekend will be fueled by caffeine as well as by necrotite and coal.

Hope everyone is doing well and I'll talk to y'all soon!