
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fun Fun Fun

ELzar: Jon and I had similar experiences in the begining, but that has changed since they. We tend to be a lot more reserved with our casters and only use them directly in combat if they are able to use a some sort of trickery to get out of trouble fast. Read: Cryx Bastards. Or they will get used in dire, I gotta do this or die scinarios. The last game I played with Jorn for 500 points, I killed every guy on the board while has caster danced around like a little bitch. Cryx is slippery. In the end I did not kill his caster and left the board with the objective. Our game lasted nearly four hours. A bit of gritty battle and a little bit of inexpierence on both our parts with new jacks/casters/units etc...

More on this later