
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Dr Futbol

Mykal: I feel for you. I think a number of us Actiony Action enablers are wily vets to the pains of long-term Involuntary unemployment. It sucks bad and their is not a lot I can tell you to make it better, but, just stick with it and eventually you will find what works for you. Just remember one important thing: do not become reclusive out of shame, guilt, anger, or any other unemployment angst... I found that the more I avoided interacting with people for various reasons the more I fostered negative thoughts. You need to let loose and give yourself some social time. Be patient and it will work out. That being said, Awesome that you are official. More educated then any of us heathens. BTW, mad props for the red cape. You guys are all like little baby Supermen. Ready to take on the evil geniuses of society.

fArt: Painting the Mini's is a lot of fun. I have enjoyed what little time I have had to invest in mini painting the past month. Tangent: Uggg, most of my players for Fantasy Hockey have been broken, tired, or otherwise unproductive. Grrrr...

jA-eL: When are we going to see your nasty-burger eatin', magic-bullet sucking pretty mug? Will you be in the states for long. Give us some dates bro. Gamin' has not been the same with out Ice-lee.
